15 Best Healthy nutritious breakfast ideas

For a healthy and happy start to your day, you need to have a nutritious breakfast. Breakfast aids in improving memory, staying alert, improving concentration, and elevates mood boosting your brain power. By having...

16 Best Plant based meal ideas for weight loss

Plant-based food basically comes from plants with proper proportions of vegetables, fruits, healthy proteins, whole grains, and healthy oils. A plant based meal contains no animal derived ingredients such as egg, milk, or meat...

12 Most unhealthy fast foods items that people love to eat

Fast food is a type of food produced in bulk for the purpose of commercial resale. This resale is done with fast service and mouth-watering food. The fast service takes place because the food...

Ways to Reduce Food Waste in Restaurants, schools, Homes, and Globally

Food that is not eaten is wasted and called food waste. The category of wasted food has two options. One is known as wasted food the other as food loss. Under food loss all...

17 Traditional Food Eaten During Chinese New Year

Lunar year, spring festival or Chinese new year is the Chinese most important festival. This is a 15-day long festival celebrated by Chinese communities. It starts off with the appearance of a new moon...

Food Not To Eat After Cataract Surgery

Part of the secret of success is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.” Food can be a source of happiness and distraction to many people the saying...

Delicious and Healthy Chinese Food Options to Try Today

Chinese food got its fame with young multi-racials in the 1920s as it was considered exotic. It was after world war II that Asian food majorly Chinese arouse the interest of Americans. Chinese food...

Foods that cause eczema in babies

Eczema (Atopic dermatitis) is a condition that causes dry and itchy patches on the skin. Eczema is not contagious it is a common condition. The skin gets dry, itchy, and inflamed. This condition is...

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